ESEA Music Family Album.
ESEA Music is a new collective of East and South-East Asian’s in the music industry. It was born through a desire to find and maintain a second family of people that can relate to and look out for eachother as it can be few and far between in the world.
Celebrating the culture and pursuing change across the board for fairer representation.
A project that was really close to my heart as I consider them a second family too.
As featured in this article on The Basement Approved.
ESEA Music on Instagram
ESEA Music is a new collective of East and South-East Asian’s in the music industry. It was born through a desire to find and maintain a second family of people that can relate to and look out for eachother as it can be few and far between in the world.
Celebrating the culture and pursuing change across the board for fairer representation.
A project that was really close to my heart as I consider them a second family too.
As featured in this article on The Basement Approved.
ESEA Music on Instagram
Worthing FC X Mundial


Going the Match?

Piece on FA Cup tie between Prescott Cables and City of Liverpool FC in Mundial Magazine.

Video content for Mundial Magazine comission about Notts County FC’s work to provide resources and integrate the refugee community into the city using football. This work was very important given that Nottingham is one of the UK’s dispersal cities for migrants and refugees.